Upcoming Hard Fork

List of Hard Fork BitcoinX (BCX) Forked at Block 498888. Happened on the 12th of December 2017. This fork creates a smart contract-based Bitcoin (like Ethereum) Super Bitcoin (SBTC) Forked at Block 498888. Happened on the 12th of December 2017. Like BitcoinX, Super Bitcoin is also a smart contract-based Bitcoin. Bitcoin Platinum (BTP) Forked at Blocks 497757 / 498533. Happened on the 12th of December 2017. According to the site, Bitcoin Platinum is “Satoshi’s original vision of Decentralized Electronic Cash.” However, according to CoinTelegraph, Bitcoin Platinum is rumored to be a scam. Lightning Bitcoin (LBTC) Forked at Block 499999. Happened on the 23rd of December 2017 This fork is meant to provide “lightning fast p...