Tips to check exchange sites

How to check bitcoin exchange site is legit or not ? Ans. Today we would tell you how to check exchange site is legit or not. We had seen in google there are lots of, tons of exchanges sites for bitcoin and alt coins. We had did some research and found that many of the exchanges are just try to scam people once they deposit the bitcoins to their site. Advice to check if the site is legit or scam ? 1. First of all check it contact support service. If the site responding you with your inquiry within given time than the site is one step legit. 2. Please check it deposit and withdrawal transaction fee. If its fee are low and fine enough than it legit. Kindly noted that most of exchange site offer deposit free of cost only charge to withdrawal request. 3. Please check troll box chat as many of exchange site provide troll box chat of the members. Read chat ask some question and get some answer interact with them and ask them for any question. 4. Please check site is secu...