Tips and Tricks for Bitcoin

Tips and Tricks Here are some tricks and tips to trade with bitcoins and its alt coins. Below are some advice how to trade for beginer. 1. Buy only 10% of your actual investment for any coins like bitcoins, ripple, bitcoin cash and so on. 2. When market is down kindly wait for it to up again don't panic and don't sell your coins when market is down. 3. More you buy more you in risk and more you in profit as well. 4. Bitcoin gain highest lost and highest profit values so just hold some coins when you buy it untill it give you good profit. 5. Buy alt coins which come new to market after checking it one hour trading chart. It because new alt coin would move up or pump fast so buy it and sell it when it had reached it peak. 6. If you had tons of money with you than you can do more investment in different different alt coins but be sure crypto had very highest risk to invest.